What is the Cost of a Metal Building Kit?

The True Cost of a Metal Building Kit

Some customers are surprised to learn that the true price of a metal building kit is more than just the sticker price of the building. It’s not as if you can see what the neighbor spent on their metal building for an ACCURATE picture. So we’ve compiled a list of factors that can impact the price of a metal building.

Building Size:

As they say, size matters. And this could not apply more than to a metal building, as the size of a building increase so will the price.
  • Length
The longer a building the more primary support members or rigid frames  required. This may also affect how the engineering of the building is done.
  • Height
Factors such as the height of a metal building kit increase wind exposure, increasing the need for additional support members, bracing or strapping. This might apply to the pitch of the building as well.
  • Width
If the width of a building extends beyond the tolerance thresholds, specialized components such as Jack-beams or a row of interior columns might be required.
Tip: Adding a row of columns may reduce the price of a building in areas with heavy snow, however, will interfere with the clear span nature of a metal building.
Another factor to consider are the number of accessories you need or want with your metal building kit. The amount and location of walkdoors and windows can impact the price. Do you plan on insulating the building? If so, at what R-value? Can the roof system of your building support a high R-value insulation package?

Framed openings:

The size and location of the framed openings may impact the price of your steel building kit. The term “Swiss cheese” comes to mind when we see a building with a framed opening in every bay on all four sides. Metal building kits require wind support systems which are usually occupied in a bay without framed openings, walkdoors or windows. Depending on your design needs, standard X-bracing might be upgraded to a more expensive system to accommodate your design needs.

Code compliance:

This one gets people every time. Your building department should be the first stop before purchasing a metal building kit. Your local building department can help guide you with all the necessary guidelines for permitting your building. They will provide you with the required International Building Codes (IBC), local code requirements, environmental issues such as, water drainage or protected wild life that may live on your property, and zoning.
Building location:
Location, location, location! Where you plan to erect your building plays a key role and can increase the total dollar amount of your building. Take zoning for instance. Depending on the building use, you might not be able to have a pipe manufacturing facility in an area zoned residential. In some cases, you might need to pay to have the location rezoned for the intended use.
Elevation can affect the amount of snow fall or wind exposure. Resulting in additional structural materials to support said location. Even the proximity of your metal building kit to an existing structure can have unforeseen financial impacts due to drift and seismic activity. As always, check with your local building department for further guidance.

Foundation Design:
Most steel manufacturers will provide column reactions and anchor bolt locations in a document referred to as the AB or Anchor Bolt plan. And that is about as far as it goes. You’ll still need foundation design and, to include but not limited to, anchor bolts, as most steel building manufactures do not provide this as a standard service, and a contractor to perform the work.
The purchase price of metal building kit usually DOES NOT include erection of the building, interior finish work, electrical, plumbing etc. You should expect to pay $4-5 a square foot on average.
Note: This may not include concrete for the foundation

Unloading of the steel:
Most metal building kit manufacturers require you to have a forklift and operator on site to unload the building upon delivery. Not a very costly expense, however, an expense all the same to consider.
Market forces:
There are several forces which influence the price of steel such as, the price of oil, arguably the strongest factor in the price of steel, cost of raw materials, supply and demand, and if the steel was made in America or imported. These and more can influence the price of steel.

Ultimately, there are several factors to consider when purchasing a prefab metal kit. Size, location, use, local and national codes, supply and demand and construction cost all play a role in the overall actual cost of a metal building kit.
For more information on True Cost of a Metal Building, CLICK HERE or give us a call 888-783-3535

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