Anatomy of a Steel Building: Accessories Prefab Buildings Can’t Do Without.

Anatomy of a Steel Building: Accessories

One of the most appealing aspects of a prefabricated metal building are the host of accessory options to choose from. From bikes to trains to video games, the range and function of accessories for prefabricated metal buildings are almost endless. In this, the third in a four part blog series of the anatomy of a steel building, we will discuss the main accessories most prefabricated metal buildings can’t do without and a few we think you should know. And if you haven’t read part 1 and 2 of this blog series go back to get helpful information and tips to further your understanding of the anatomy of a steel building.

The Must Haves

Walk Door and Optional Accessories:
Standard walkdoors are the most common type of accessory. Pre-assembled and constructed from 20-to-16 gaged galvanized steel and include an insulated core. The R-Value should be considered when used in colder climates. Check with your prefabricated steel building manufacturer for details. Size options for walkdoors are usually  3’x 7’ or 6’ x 7’ commonly referred to as 3070 or 6070. Leaf options range from Flush, Half-Glass and Narrow.  All walkdoors should be all keyed with Commercial Grade 2 entry lockset and are ADA compliant.

Tip: Please note that standard walkdoors are not wind rated. For pricing and availably on wind rated walkdoors, ask your project manager or coordinator.

Optional Door Accessories:

Walkdoors have a few extremely helpful accessory options such as,
  • Heavy Duty Closers
  • Panic Device with lever lockset
  • Mortise Lock with Lever
    • Combines the benefits of lock and deadbolt function and meets ADA requirements
  • Removable Mullion (6070 only)
  • Textured Door Skins
    • In lieu of standard 20 ga. Skin door.
Pro Tip: Walkdoors can be hinged to swing left or right and open inside or out.

Most windows made for prefabricated metal buildings have standard features which include self-flashing/self-framing systems, (which make for simple installation), rigid aluminum frame construction and an insulated/non-insulated option. Size options range from 3030,4030,6030. Optional subframe systems provide added structural support and rigidity.

Gutters and Downspouts
Gutters and downspouts protect from water damage by diverting rainwater, melting snow and heavy condensation from the roof by diverting it elsewhere. Failure to use gutters and downspouts can affect the quality and durability of your prefab building.

Insulation helps save energy and lower your energy bill as well. For more information, check out our blog, Getting the Right Metal Building Insulation Saves Energy and Lowers Your Energy bill.

Some Honorable mentions

Translucent and Wall Light Panel Options
  • Translucent Panels take the place of a standard roof panel allowing for natural sunlight to enter, cutting down on energy consumption. Translucent panels come in both insulated and non-insulated options and are 10’x8” in size.
Note: Classic Roof Translucent Panels cannot be placed from side to side, end to end, or at the eave of a building.

  • Wall Light Panels
Commonly used in lieu of windows to allow for even more light to enter. Size range from 5’x4” to 10’x8” for both Accent and Classic wall types.
Note: Wall Light Panels cannot run the full length or width of a building and usually start roughly 5’ below the eave and terminate between a start and stop run of wall sheeting.

  • Ridge Vents
Ridge vents are designed to provide a gravity type ventilation allowing for free airflow which helps with venting heat and circulating air.
Ridge Vents

Note: Due to the airflow design, some penetration of water during blowing rains is possible, however, unlikely with the use of foam closure strips.

One accessory that was not mentioned, however, needs a shout out, are roll up/garage doors. These door systems are a must have for any prefab metal building. We often suggest getting your doors locally, mainly because local companies offer maintenance packages and service calls with  purchase; check with your local supplier.

We hope you found this to be helpful, and that we answered a question or two. Please note we only mentioned a few must haves as there are several options to choose from; please contact your building manufacturer for a list of options available. Next we will discuss the different types of roof and wall sheeting used by prefabricated metal buildings. And as promised, a gift from us to you, we think might be of some value. So stay tuned….

For more information about the Anatomy of a Steel Building, CLICK HERE or give us a call 888-783-3535

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